Keeping Fluffy Fluffy
What you bring to the grooming table.
On this page you’ll find links to tools that I recommend, videos, written instructions on how to work with your dog and anything else that I can give you to make grooming an experience worth having!
making the world a more beautiful place
I recently spoke with my favourite online dog grooming supply store, I find that I recommend tools that just can’t be found in your regular pet store and I want to be able to give my clients the gift of quality whenever possible whether that’s in my handling skills or in the tools that they hold in their own hand! The ladies over at Lynn Professional were kind enough to give my clients a 10% off code that should cover many of the tools that I would recommend to you! (This excludes salon tools such as tables, dryers etc.)
Brush - Chris Christensen Big G High Density Slicker - Coral
“When perfection is the only option”
This brush changes the whole game. With features like softer tines, an ergonomic handle and the ability to fluff, detangle and style, this is the miracle that you’ve been waiting for! So many of my clients come back to me and tell me that this brush has *changed their life*. No joke! To use it properly, take a peek online at “line brushing”!
Recommended tools
Detangling spray - Crown Royale Ultimate Detangling Spray
This is a knock your socks off type of spray. Do you like long, luxurious coats on dogs? Do you just like to not hurt your furry friend when doing upkeep? Then this spray is for you! Avoid their eyes and spray one or two times directly onto the mat. Wait a minute and use your Chris Christensen Big G brush to work magic!
More recommendations to come!
Desensitizing at home
High velocity dryer
Animal clippers
Desensitization training is SO important, from puppies to seniors, every one of our dogs deserves to have a happy, healthy relationship with grooming. Desensitization begins at home, the best place to start is with the most common sense to ail our pooch. Noises!
Included here are videos of some common noises in the salon. A clipper, Dremel and dryer are some of the very first things that can spook an animal. These videos play on a loop so the suggested sequence of training for any noise desensitization is as follows;
Turn on the video while you are in a separate room from your dog. Leave it to run and make noise and assess how your dog is doing. If they are concerned, run the video in 5 minute increments a couple of times throughout the day if possible. Do this as many days as needed until it becomes background noise to your dog. Do not attempt to console them, by providing support, you are saying “I’m worried about this! You should be too!” Your best bet is to pretend that absolutely nothing has changed as this implies that you are unconcerned, this noise is normal to you and it should be to them too!
Once your pup is calm while the noise is running in a separate room, you can now try spending some time near the noise with them. Again, your dog is constantly taking their cues from you and reading your energy so you need to be translating “I am calm, the noise does not bother me”. Spend the time near the noise but pretend everything is fine. Go on with writing emails, making the kids breakfast, playing fetch etc. Watch but do not anxiously try to assess their reactions, they will catch you!
As you are able to spend time near these noises, now is the time to run it through your cell phone! As a handheld device, it is slightly more similar to an actual grooming tool. Without forcing them to react in any way, bring the phone closer to them. Find where the noise makes them uncomfortable and work within those boundaries until they are ready to move forwards. This usually goes pretty quick, they’re quite a bit smarter than we give them credit for! Their preferred reward is useful here, whether they are treat or play motivated, spend small amounts of time turning the noise on then rewarding. Noise. Reward. Noise. Reward.
Now that you’ve made it clear that these noises mean they get kisses and snuggles, we want to start touching their body with the phone! I know, this is the really scary part! Gentle petting with the noise on then give them the reward immediately after and repeat!
When your dog is okay with the gentle patting, you’ll want to move on to touching their feet, legs and face with it but we’ll save that for another lesson!
Great job! If at any time your dog shows fear (we’re not talking about small motions, we are looking for that big, lifelong trouble fear, jerking, thrashing, extreme alarm), go back a step in the process. Go back to the very beginning if needed! You are building the absolute fundamentals and so while it may seem tedious right now, you are placing the blocks that the rest of their grooming career will stand on as well as building the trust and bond with your furry friend, you have a very important job! I believe in you, it is paw-ssible! If you are having trouble with the desensitizing, please reach out or ask me at your next appointment.
Thanks so much and see you next time!
- Danielle.